July 24, 2015


As a kid, I was pampered, I was loved, I was taken care of like a little gem by my parents. I meant everything to my mom. She treated me truly like a princess. Not just then,.. even now I am the same little princess in front of her eyes. Probably back then, I was EVERYTHING to her. And yes, she was EVERYTHING to me. I remember instances of my childhood days when I cried imagining how life would be without her. Others' tragic stories of losing their parents would bring chills down my spine. Indeed, she was my world.

Then I grew up, saw the world around. At some point of time, started seeking out for that special one who would be my EVERYTHING. I wanted to be someone's world. As time flew, I did find my man. We got married, And yes.. he was EVERYTHING to me. I was EVERYTHING to him.

I saw my mom getting me married off with pride and laughter and smiles. But at the same time, her heart would have ached to let go off me. I never realized it back then, not completely yet. But definitely, it needs a lot of strength to lose a part of your world to someone and yet keep smiling.

Days passed by, and then months, years. Me and my husband were busy making a world of our own. Time flew, and then the most beautiful thing happened. I call it the "miracle of life". Yes, seeing a "mini-you" in front of you, with tender hands, toes and a tiny body is truly a miracle. Sweet little babies, they have magic within them. Without ever giving a try, they just become your new world. 

I never realized when and how, but now I see that my little ones are my EVERYTHING and I am EVERYTHING to them. Anything goes wrong, anything tiniest of all, the first person that my kids cry out for is ME. I feel so special to be someone's world. Yes! over time, I have moved out of my mom's world, I have let my husband drift away in his own world and now I'm totally immersed in my kids' world. I sense a feeling of satisfaction, pride and fulfillment in being their EVERYTHING.

Time waits for none. A few years from now, I am sure, my little birdies will grow and start exploring the world and would want to move out of their nest. They will seek for someone who will be their EVERYTHING. Will that hurt me? I am unsure. But when I have momentarily dumped my mom and husband, I too deserve that same pain. It wont hurt too long I am sure... because I am a MOM after all, a STRONG MOM.

There is still a long way to see them create their new world, until then I just want to hold on to this moment and feel happy being EVERYTHING to them. 

Oops! Kids are pulling me back into their world. Sorry mom, sorry hubby and sorry to all my loved ones for not giving enough time to you. I am a MOM after all, a BUSY MOM, a very very busy one! [sigh]

And yes, hope my hobby of blogging gets back to life with this new post. 
Gotta go.o.o.o... 


  1. Very well written, Rashmi :)
    - Akhila

  2. glad to hear that Akhila... thanks :)

  3. Didn't know you were such a good writer. Very heartfelt article! Please do wrote more BUSY Mom :)

    Sajan and Swathy

  4. Awesome rash .... U wrote wat I felt too ... Or may be evry mom s mind n heart ...

  5. Awesome rash .... U wrote wat I felt too ... Or may be evry mom s mind n heart ...

  6. Thanks Sajan/Swathy.
    Yes teju... its every moms story i guess.
    Writing makes me feel good. All of yours' sincere appreciation makes me feel even better. :) Thanks


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