May 4, 2010

I won... I won... I won!!!

Well, I sometimes try my luck participating in online quizzes or other contests that happen all the time in Singapore local websites. I saw a similar Sony ad which said that I could win a pair of movie tickets if I wrote a creative, meaningful and touching "Thank You" note for my friend.

So, my friend (of course Adarsh) had to send me an e-card (which was an invitation for a movie) after which I had to reply back with a thank you note :) Well, I thought why not write a small poetry and this is what I submitted :)


I just want to write a note to thank you...
I always have a great time whenever I am with you...
The sweet person who cares for me is you and only you!!!

I am so grateful for the love you have lent...
I truly appreciate the time you have spent...
I am for sure accepting the invitation you just sent!!!

With lots of Hugs & Kisses.

Wow... and as you can guess... I did win a pair of movie tickets to watch the movie "Bounty Hunter".
Be it big or small, I think this is my first ever online prize and I am sooo happy for it.


  1. Congrats!! Now you can write a thank you note to this friend who just sent you a congratulatory note!! :D

  2. koool..lucky you...congrats...tell me how the movie was... :)

  3. Cool, that was really good...and congratulations for winning :)

  4. @Sreejith: Ok here you go... another "thank you" note... :)

    For all your comments...
    And for all your compliments...
    Thers jus 1 thing I gotta say to u...
    And that is "THANK YOU" "THANK YOU" and "THANK UUUU"!

  5. @Sukku: ya sure... will be watching the movie tomo.
    @Jitesh: Thanks Jitesh :)


Letter From Ex

I came into your life almost a decade ago, do you remember? Do you remember at all... how we spent those wonderful times together?! ...